Shift Your Paradigm (Guided Meditation)


Habits control your behaviors, thus controlling your results.

Here are two new videos from FinerMinds featuring one of today’s living MASTERS at applying the Law of Attraction to get what you want, Bob Proctor.

The first video explains how this works.

The second is a guided meditation to change your paradigm.

“In this powerful seven-minute video, Bob Proctor, best-selling author and legendary wealth coach, will explain the multitude of paradigms that are lodged in your subconscious, controlling your life and limiting your success.”

“In this powerful 16-minute guided meditation audio, you’ll learn how to banish those conditioned harmful beliefs, or “paradigms”, which are controlling your life and limiting your success.”

-Check out more from one of the living Law of Attraction masters: Bob Proctor

-Check out one of the most cutting-edge self-development companies: FinerMinds


Enjoy More The Process



“The vortex is the best search engine because all our preferences are stored and prioritized in it. Sometimes a manifestation occurs and it does not have all the elements of what we are looking for, should we settle for less than what we want?”

-YouTube video description

video posted by zmahoon

check out one of our favorites: Abraham Hicks

Nothing Is Ever Done TO You; rather, EVERYTHING Is Done FOR You



“I am so excited that somehow you landed here… it is not by accident. I know you can feel it too. Listen to the whispers of your heart. More of YOU wants to be known. This is not a book about divorce… it is a book about LIFE.”

you can buy the book at

get free gifts at the Facebook page

check out the author Farhana Dhalla



Happy Thanksgiving: Appreciation Vs. Gratitude



“Abraham, speaking through Esther Hicks explains why appreciation is so powerful in transforming our experience, as well as how we can cultivate appreciation, how we can use it, and why an emphasis on gratitude is less effective.

Recorded at the November 11, 2007 Art of Allowing Workshop in Orlando, Florida.

Esther & Jerry Hicks are the authors of numerous books based on the Teachings of Abraham and their latest book, “Money and The Law of Attraction”, reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

For over 20 years, Esther has translated blocks of thought from “Non-Physical Source Energy” – which she also identifies as her “Inner Being” or “Soul” – and who refer to themselves in the plural as “Abraham” (no relation to the Biblical figure).”


from Abraham Hicks

Scorpio New Moon TOTAL ECLIPSE- November 13, 2012


A total eclipse is when the moon comes directly in between Earth and the sun…the three bodies forming one straight line.

Total eclipses are great awakenings…leaving us with greater understandings.

This total eclipse in Scorpio is about transformation, and shedding the ego. (Scorpio rules death and rebirth)

Expect to see extreme ugliness and extreme beautiful miracles…everything happens for a reason =)

check out the YouTube channel