The New Moon -(March 1, 2014)


new moon

Today marks a New Moon…the beginning of a new cycle of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.

This month we will have a “black moon.” One definition for “black moon” is a second New Moon within one calendar month.

For today’s New Moon, here is an interesting insight from Mystic Mamma:

“NEW MOON is here in Pisces on March 1, 2014 12:00 AM PST.
We are called back into the watery realms of Spirit to take a moment to just Be and feel all that is… So much has been moving, shifting, transforming. This Moon cycle calls us to pause, rest and reflect.
Tune in, feel the fullness and feel yourself held in this moment of infinite Beingness. Lots of planetary shifts occurring so stay grounded and connected to Mother Earth.”

A common idea I have read and heard regarding the New Moon is that the force of manifestation is stronger and has more energy. What does that mean? It means that your focus, your state, and your intention attract similar vibrational events and experiences at a faster and higher rate.

No matter the phase of the Moon, it is always a great idea to be completely conscious of the thoughts, feelings, words, intentions, and actions you put out.

 Be thankful. Focus on what you want. Believe you can. Believe you deserve. Keep feeling better.



Full Moon in Cancer Dec 28, 2012 by Dorothy Morgan



Friday, December 28th we have a beautiful Full Moon at 5:21 in the morning. If you are an early riser, and live on the east coast, you should try to head outside as it should be really a pretty sight to see the Full Moon as it descends on the western horizon. But you must act early as the beautiful show will be over (below the horizon) by 7:00 a.m. The opposition of the Moon and Pluto at 9:34 a.m., followed by the trine to Saturn a few minutes later, makes this a very interesting morning. The Moon and Pluto in an opposition can reveal to us where we may be either overly emotional or it will allow us the freedom to feel something on a deeper level then we are accustomed to feeling. The influence of Saturn within the context of these emotional factors tells me that whatever we are feeling, if we allow it, can set some kind of foundation for stable feelings, or stable emotions, at a later date in the future. In addition, as the Moon and Saturn are making a trine aspect at 9:43 a.m. we have a “Void of Course” Moon that will be with us throughout all of Friday and Saturday.
What is the best way to work this Full Moon? As always, this is the perfect time for releasing what is no longer working in our lives. The biggest focus will be about the Cancer energy that the Moon embodies at this time which, by the way, is her own sign. She wants us to really pay attention to whom and what we give our emotions to and how devoted we are to home and family. I am not saying we should not be devoted, it is an honorable trait to have, but with the aspects that come with this Full Moon we will be able to see where we may be over-extending ourselves or overdoing it in regards to those we call family.
I have here a few sample ideas of some things to write down, things to potentially burn and release during the waning Moon. “I easily release my need to control my family”, “I easily see where I or another is manipulating a situation”, “I easily release my need to be responsible for other’s emotional state”. As you can see, emotional control is the main theme with this Full Moon because of the close proximity of Pluto during the Full Moon.
It is a good way to end a year, it brings in the opportunity to clear out, we have a chance to let go of the old baggage, complete projects and get all our loose ends tied up.
We can continue to release as much as we want over the next two weeks as the Moon moves through the full waning phase.”

“Deep profound emotional changes are at hand with this Full Moon in Cancer and opposition to Pluto. Family, emotions and our connections to them is up for review”

check out Dorothy Morgan’s YouTube channel

and Dorothy Morgan’s astrology website


The 12/21/12 Threshold


The Mayan shift is a process, and that process has felt “discombobulating.”

This process has been moving us out of feelings of duality and separation.

This has been a process of clearing, releasing, remembering, accessing other aspects of us from other lifetimes that have been traumatized. These things are part of living in an illusion of duality and separation.

All this clearing is re-introducing us to all that we are.

The 12/12/12 portal has moved us from clearing and releasing to preparing to take new actions in co-creating. The divine female and divine male energies will ramp up and enhance our integrative energies of MANIFESTING. This is a preparation for unity consciousness.

As we move into integration (unity consciousness), diversity will make humanity a beautiful orchestra. Rather than separating, we will all come together and HARMONIZE.

This shift is like going from adolescence to blooming maturity.

Remember to drink a lot of water !

We will shift out of the ego brain programming into the intelligence of our human multidimensional heart. This is much more intuitive; interpreting frequencies through sense.

Unity consciousness is easy for humans. Even after all the dramas and wars and destruction.

Humans have the capacity to express the energy of love in the most infinite variety of ways ❤

When you feel discombobulated during this shift, it is not YOU. It is the ego brain having a hard time in becoming obsolete.

As you cross the threshold of 12/21/12 Winter Solstice end of the Mayan Calendar, enjoy the energy of love we are in. Express all the ways of loving that you can. Make it a day of celebrating LOVE and unity =)

-check out more channelings about significant astrological alignments from Judy and the Celestial Team




New Moon in Sagittarius 2012


This New Moon brings:

Pure enthusiasm and absolute optimism.

Structure and ambition and MANIFESTING =)

Set your goals higher, allow yourself to tap into unlimitedness.


“For this New Moon on December 13, 2012, we experience a special planetary configuration with Saturn and Pluto. This will help us to achieve with high ambition. See what else this New Moon offers as you watch Kathy’s latest video.”

“To contact Kathy directly – to schedule your personal astrology consultation – please visit:

Lunar Eclipse and the 2012 Mayan Shift


The lunar eclipse on November 28, 2012 was the first shift of living in 4-D, where we let go of duality and our ideas of duality.

The new reality after December 21st is…JOY =)

In this video “Christopher Witecki presents the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, November 28, 2012 – the start of the mayan shift. This is the start of the ride! Share this with people u LOvE.”

check out SoulGarden


Celestial Trends November 25 – December 1


November 25th through December 1st
This week, November 25th through December 1st, begins on Monday when Mercury slows down and turns direct at 18 Scorpio. The information that we are given today helps us to see the key issues that are now lined up. From this alignment, we can begin to unfold the information that is needed to take the major steps presented. Venus connects with Saturn as well, giving us the resolutions that are important for Saturns efforts to solidify our true core essence. Saturn solidifies the key structures in our life, the cornerstones that we have to build our life. With both of these aspects happening today, we will be able to bring positive resolutions into the day that we can then begin to unfold. On Tuesday, Mars connects with Pluto, which empowers the efforts and activities that will get us moving into the right directions. Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn, which rules business, career and financial dealings. With these two energies connecting, the activities that we are now involved in become the changes in the outside world as prompted by our decisions that are now emerging. On Wednesday, the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in the Gemini/Sagittarius sectors bring a high tide of events onto our shore. The information from Gemini emerges onto the shore, thrust by the Sagittarius energies that are now expanding from Mercury moving forward, bringing the Sagittarius goals and aspirations into our world. This Lunar Eclipse becomes a powerful influence to move us forward into the right directions that are the avenues for our goals and aspirations. On Saturday, we cross into December, an EIGHT month in numerology. EIGHT becomes significant as the energy shift gives us a major shift in energy and activity, turning up the level of events. 

Celestial Trends November 18 – November 24


November 18th through November 24th
This week, November 18th through November 24thbrings us major shifts that will help to propel us forward. On November 21st, Sun moves into Sagittarius, which gets us moving into our right direction, as Sun in fiery Sag gives us the added momentum to get moving! Even though Mercury is behind the Sun, we will feel propelled to move forward, even if we dont exactly know where we are going. This is the typical predicament when Mercury is behind the Sun. But it is the inner qualities of faith and trust that allow us to move forward even as Mercury brings information forward that we cannot see yet. The intuitive qualities become very important in this process as Scorpios inner essence and knowing become the path we walk with faith and trust. This inner knowing gives us the clues of our right direction, even before it appears. The inner connection is a value and wealth that becomes our guide and invisible companions of faith and trust. Sun moving into Sagittarius provides the green light that movement is now an important part of the process.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Nov 13th 2012 – Dorothy Morgan



Some highlights from Dorothy Morgan’s New Moon Solar Eclipse Forecast for November 13, 2012:


“We are at the point in the lunar cycle when we should be totally submissive to whatever is happening around us, releasing everything that no longer serves us. There are no major aspects today until the eclipse so we are free to release anything we can. Let go of it all and especially anything related to Scorpio which is change through transformation, self-mastery, sex, our soul mates, financial partnerships, and power struggles just to name a few. In a few short hours we will be planting new seeds of growth in these very same subjects but before the New Moon eclipse we must weed the garden. So take your time today, find the time to complete anything left undone and release the remaining debris.


“A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. A solar eclipse is always a new moon and tends to mark new beginnings.


“1. Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” in our horoscopes. They shake us up so that we can move from one level of evolution and maturity to another, higher phase, fairly rapidly.

2. Eclipses bring news of life’s big events: a birth of a baby, a marriage, a promotion or career breakthrough, important travel, the signing of a vital business deal, the start of one’s own business, the sale or purchase of a house, a cross country move, divorce, publishing a book, and so forth. Monumental meetings and breakups or changes in one’s job are also common on eclipse dates. No matter what occurs, it will become evident that the universe is intent on moving you forward.

3. Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a normal new or full moon. In fact, an eclipse is like a turbo-new moon and it packs much more of a punch and energy. An eclipse may even bring on an event that seems “fated”. Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction, especially if you have a planet that will be touched.

4. Take any message you hear at the time of an eclipse seriously. It is usually about big change and whether you like the news or not it will be very important to pay attention to. 

5. Eclipses shine the bright light of truth to the part of your life that is touched by the eclipse. Many times eclipses act as brilliant illuminators, revealing a condition or situation that you were unaware existed. They can also act as catalysts to a major life decision. Also, under an eclipse, you may finally understand the true character of a person near you.”


“The New Moon Solar Eclipse is at 5:08 p.m. EST and the focus will be on bringing in the new or starting something new as all New Moons are like this. But with the added influence of the eclipse we can also expect things to go away even when we think we have released all there is to release.


see more at Dorothy Morgan New Hampshire Astrologer



Scorpio New Moon TOTAL ECLIPSE- November 13, 2012


A total eclipse is when the moon comes directly in between Earth and the sun…the three bodies forming one straight line.

Total eclipses are great awakenings…leaving us with greater understandings.

This total eclipse in Scorpio is about transformation, and shedding the ego. (Scorpio rules death and rebirth)

Expect to see extreme ugliness and extreme beautiful miracles…everything happens for a reason =)

check out the YouTube channel

Celestial Trends November 11 – November 17


November 11th through November 17th
This week, November 11th through November 17th, begins a most fascinating week. On Tuesday, November 13th, the Solar Eclipse provides new beginnings that are moving into the day. The
 empowered New Moon is at 22 Scorpio, which gives us the emphasis of new beginnings that are connected to our true inner self. The focus of this Solar Eclipse becomes the inner values that ignite our passion and push us into our right direction. The location of this Solar Eclipse becomes significant as the Mercury retrograde process that is also occurring touches this same degree of Scorpio during the retrograde process on October 22nd, November 20th and December 3rd. The new beginnings that are emerging will have key events that are blended into this process. Additionally on November 13th, Mercury shifts back out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio, becoming a powerful surge that moves us out of our old way of operating and kicks us into gear to make changes in our motives, ethics and values. The Scorpio issues begin to stream in new information that begins to influence the cosmic course correction that we experience in the retrograde process. On Saturday, Sun connects with Mercury retrograde shining the light onto the important information that is streaming into the picture, creating changes and adjustments within the current situations. Typically when Sun connects with Mercury, we sign on the line as a commitment to a direction and a new sense of purpose. With Mercury being retrograde, we have the sense of commitment, but we have to wait for the actual situations to line up before moving forward with our commitment.

Alpha Life Trends: Celestial Trends =)