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Openhearted Rebellion


Archangel Metatron Channel via James Tyberonn


Greetings Dear Ones ! I am Metatron Lord of Light. And so we speak of the energies about you. We speak of the windows of the Eclipses in your linear time of November 2012.

The remaining energies of 2012 will be extremely powerful. It is important to maintain your balance. Myriad complex energies are bombarding the Earth and humanity are feeling the effects. These are taking place with Divine purpose, and although it is a period of great intensity, it is requisite and in that sense is very benevolent, quite necessary for the Ascension.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse Nov 13th 2012 – Dorothy Morgan



Some highlights from Dorothy Morgan’s New Moon Solar Eclipse Forecast for November 13, 2012:


“We are at the point in the lunar cycle when we should be totally submissive to whatever is happening around us, releasing everything that no longer serves us. There are no major aspects today until the eclipse so we are free to release anything we can. Let go of it all and especially anything related to Scorpio which is change through transformation, self-mastery, sex, our soul mates, financial partnerships, and power struggles just to name a few. In a few short hours we will be planting new seeds of growth in these very same subjects but before the New Moon eclipse we must weed the garden. So take your time today, find the time to complete anything left undone and release the remaining debris.


“A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. A solar eclipse is always a new moon and tends to mark new beginnings.


“1. Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” in our horoscopes. They shake us up so that we can move from one level of evolution and maturity to another, higher phase, fairly rapidly.

2. Eclipses bring news of life’s big events: a birth of a baby, a marriage, a promotion or career breakthrough, important travel, the signing of a vital business deal, the start of one’s own business, the sale or purchase of a house, a cross country move, divorce, publishing a book, and so forth. Monumental meetings and breakups or changes in one’s job are also common on eclipse dates. No matter what occurs, it will become evident that the universe is intent on moving you forward.

3. Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a normal new or full moon. In fact, an eclipse is like a turbo-new moon and it packs much more of a punch and energy. An eclipse may even bring on an event that seems “fated”. Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction, especially if you have a planet that will be touched.

4. Take any message you hear at the time of an eclipse seriously. It is usually about big change and whether you like the news or not it will be very important to pay attention to. 

5. Eclipses shine the bright light of truth to the part of your life that is touched by the eclipse. Many times eclipses act as brilliant illuminators, revealing a condition or situation that you were unaware existed. They can also act as catalysts to a major life decision. Also, under an eclipse, you may finally understand the true character of a person near you.”


“The New Moon Solar Eclipse is at 5:08 p.m. EST and the focus will be on bringing in the new or starting something new as all New Moons are like this. But with the added influence of the eclipse we can also expect things to go away even when we think we have released all there is to release.


see more at Dorothy Morgan New Hampshire Astrologer



Celestial Trends November 11 – November 17


November 11th through November 17th
This week, November 11th through November 17th, begins a most fascinating week. On Tuesday, November 13th, the Solar Eclipse provides new beginnings that are moving into the day. The
 empowered New Moon is at 22 Scorpio, which gives us the emphasis of new beginnings that are connected to our true inner self. The focus of this Solar Eclipse becomes the inner values that ignite our passion and push us into our right direction. The location of this Solar Eclipse becomes significant as the Mercury retrograde process that is also occurring touches this same degree of Scorpio during the retrograde process on October 22nd, November 20th and December 3rd. The new beginnings that are emerging will have key events that are blended into this process. Additionally on November 13th, Mercury shifts back out of Sagittarius and into Scorpio, becoming a powerful surge that moves us out of our old way of operating and kicks us into gear to make changes in our motives, ethics and values. The Scorpio issues begin to stream in new information that begins to influence the cosmic course correction that we experience in the retrograde process. On Saturday, Sun connects with Mercury retrograde shining the light onto the important information that is streaming into the picture, creating changes and adjustments within the current situations. Typically when Sun connects with Mercury, we sign on the line as a commitment to a direction and a new sense of purpose. With Mercury being retrograde, we have the sense of commitment, but we have to wait for the actual situations to line up before moving forward with our commitment.

Alpha Life Trends: Celestial Trends =)