Law of Attraction 101 by Jessica Harlow


5 things you need to know to understand the Law of Attraction:

1) Everything is Energy

-energy can be positive, negative, or neutral….these are VIBES, or the energy that people give off

2) Like Attracts Like

-good attracts good, bad attracts bad. The vibes that are given attract similar energy

3) Ask and You Shall Receive

-make a clear decision on what you want

4) Build UP Your Energy

-get rid of limiting beliefs, the beliefs that say you can’t have what you want. Changing your beliefs will give you different attitudes and thus different actions to get those things you want

5) DO Something

-take action

…awesome video from Jessica Harlow =)

Once You Let Go of Your Anger and Rage, Your Reality Changes



Recently “found” a website called Deliberate Receiving. This website, and the author Melody Fletcher are WONDERFUL =)

In this post, Melody shares a personal story she had where she manifested the anger and rage she held onto inside herself out into her physical experience. When resisting these feelings, she had painful unpleasant experiences. Once she let go of those feelings, her experiences completely changed to the kinds of experiences she wanted, and they got better and better.

The lesson she shares is that:

Holding on to anger and rage block us from receiving what we want. Once we surrender to it, give up, and let it go, we release those beliefs that block us from receiving the manifestations we want, and our reality changes for the better =)


Check out the article here