New Page On Law of Attraction (Vibration, Manifesting)


Just finished putting together a page describing the basic idea behind the Law of Attraction, manifesting, creating/influencing reality, and the Secret.

The page is for:

On the page you will read a very brief description on the Law, and have immediate, easy access to several videos and quotes from some of the Law’s best teachers.

Check it out here 😉

The Law Of Attraction Explained by Quantum Physics: Part 5


Studies of the Entanglement phenomenon show that information can travel FASTER than the speed of light…it can travel instantaneously.


We now know that things are not this OR that, we now know, through Quantum Physics, that things are this AND that. All physical things come from a quantum field of infinite possibilities.

It is our EXPECTATION of what we observe that causes physical MANIFESTATION of those possibilities.


Invest time in changing your beliefs, and you’ll find yourself attracting those things.

In accordance with Quantum Physics, once your beliefs are aligned with your desires, they MUST manifest…and that is exactly what the Law of Attraction says.

If you liked this, check out more from author Greg Kuhn

Does the Law of Attraction Work for Money?



Money is a means of EXCHANGE.

To receive money, you must EXCHANGE some sort of Value or Service for it.

When you have the right attitude, beliefs, habits, and expectations to earn money,

and you combine that with giving Value,

your Vibration combined with your Behavior attract more

of what you resonate.

The Law of Attraction works best when you are in the right Vibration to receive money.

  • Raise your feeling of deservingness and worthiness
  • Raise your awareness around financial opportunities
  • Create the environment internally and externally to be able to receive
  • Do the right things habitually

-if you’re interested in more info, check out John Assaraf


How to Attract – by Bashar


-Expand your definition of “basic needs”

-What’s “normal” got to do with what you prefer to be?

-Can you imagine what you want manifesting without the rational mind having to figure out how it would “normally” happen?

-Circumstances don’t matter. Only STATE of BEING matters.

-Be the STATE of BEING of a person who has what you want, and let go of HOW it needs to happen

-check out Bashar’s website


John Assaraf’s Best Law of Attraction Secrets


In this video, John Assaraf shares his best Law of Attraction secrets on the Inspiration Show.

Here are some of his GOLDEN secrets:


Ask better questions:

What do you want to trade your life for?

Are you interested, or are you committed to achieve that?

If you are interested, you will do what is convenient

If you are committed, you will do whatever it takes

You don’t just have to work hard, but work smart, and trade your life for what you love


Write down your goals


Daily Habits

-Gratitude exercise

-Review goals

-Visualize the outcomes

-Meditation – managing no thought; connect to Universal intelligence


-Prioritize what you need to do for the day


Have a flexible strategy with a definite bullseye destination


Follow the success recipe…don’t try to reinvent the wheel


If you don’t like the results in your life, don’t blame the results.

If you allow the outside circumstances to control your thinking, you’re going to recreate more of those circumstances.

Instead, ask “What do I need to shift within ME, so that the outside stuff that I see, that I attract, that I participate in changes?”


We don’t see what there is to see, we only see what we’re conditioned to see.

We don’t achieve what we are capable of achieving, we only achieve what we are conditioned to think about and do.


What are 3 things that you can do right now to get from where you are to where you want to be?

If you do 3 things a day (things to get you closer to your goal), before 11 am, that’s over a thousand actions towards your goal in a year.

Look for 3 things that are either high income producing or high impact.


The Law of 3 will bring you massive success in your life.


check out for free videos on how to train your brain for more financial success and more life success

and check out the Inspiration Show


Unleash Your Inner Strength



“I’d like to share with you the prime directive for living an amazing and fulfilling life:

Feel right now the way you would feel if…you already had everything that you desired in your life.

Invoke and cultivate inside of yourself the precise feelings which you wouldfeel if… all that you desire or wish for in your life were already a reality, at the present time.

This is the key message that lies at the core of the great spiritual and metaphysical teachings.  It is the insight that popular movies like ‘The Secret,’ and books like ‘Law of Attraction,’ have been attempting recently to convey to the world.  It is the essential lesson taught by New Thought pioneers like Napoleon Hill and Neville Goddard, as well as modern-day authors like Denise Coates, and visionaries like Gregg Braden and Dr Wayne W. Dyer.

In 1944, Neville Goddard encapsulated this principle in the title of his powerful booklet, “Feeling is the Secret.”

Are you ready to begin to learn more about this ancient and powerful principle, as well as learn to integrate and master it in your life?”


…this is some of the text on the Unleash Your Inner Strength homepage. Check it out for some amazing information and resources =)