The Law Of Attraction Explained by Quantum Physics: Part 5


Studies of the Entanglement phenomenon show that information can travel FASTER than the speed of light…it can travel instantaneously.


We now know that things are not this OR that, we now know, through Quantum Physics, that things are this AND that. All physical things come from a quantum field of infinite possibilities.

It is our EXPECTATION of what we observe that causes physical MANIFESTATION of those possibilities.


Invest time in changing your beliefs, and you’ll find yourself attracting those things.

In accordance with Quantum Physics, once your beliefs are aligned with your desires, they MUST manifest…and that is exactly what the Law of Attraction says.

If you liked this, check out more from author Greg Kuhn

The Law of Attraction Explained by Quantum Physics: Part 4


All matter is simply vibrating energy.

Your expectations of that vibrating energy manifest in form.

Your thoughts are vibrating energy…and are some of the most powerful vibrations in the currently known universe.

Like energy attracts


What we think of as “solid” material objects, is really 99% empty space…including YOU. The atoms themselves are 99% empty space.

If that is true, why does it feel like we “touch” things?

We experience “touch” because the magnetic forces of atoms repel each other when they come in direct contact.



The universe is a giant quantum field of infinite possibility. The possibility you experience is determined by your thoughts and expectations.

What are your expectations of YOUR reality?


If you liked this video, check out more from Greg Kuhn

The Law of Attraction Explained by Quantum Physics: Part 3



The Quantum Field is an invisible field of energy that represents all possibilities.

It is everything, and nothing, all at once; and it holds the potential to become anything and everything.

Every material object in the physical universe is nothing more than vibrating energy.

You are just a blob of powerful, vibrating energy.

The vibrating energy of material objects is electromagnetic energy.

That means the energy making up every material object acts as a magnet…magnetically attracting other LIKE energy vibrations, and in turn being attracted by other LIKE energy vibrations.

Your expectations and subconscious thoughts are electromagnetic energy.

Your expectations are some of the strongest energy vibrations in the universe.

Any expectation you hold resonates with other LIKE vibrating things.

That is not mysticism, that is the Law of Electromagnetic Energy.

Your expectations resonate with and attract LIKE energy vibrations.

Your expectations are giant super magnets that attract or create anything matching their energy vibration from the limitless potential of the quantum field.

Your expectations are NOT the same as your wishes and desires. Your true expectations are subconscious and come from your beliefs.


Your beliefs and expectations can be changed.

To manifest what you desire, you must align your subconscious beliefs with your desires. You must match your subconscious expectations to what you want.


If you like this, check out more from Greg Kuhn

The Law of Attraction Explained by Quantum Physics: Part 2


How You Create Your Reality

The Double Slit Experiment explains much of the science of the Law of Attraction in precise and vivid detail.

The experiment shows us that electrons exist as both a wave AND a particle, simultaneously…until they are OBSERVED.

Until they are observed, electrons are neither wave nor particle, they merely represent the POTENTIAL to be either one.

Electrons don’t exist as a wave or as a particle when they are not being observed.

Your observation manifests the electron.

You LITERALLY create reality.

Electrons are the basic building blocks of all matter, and matter is not manifested until it is observed.

And it’s not just the observation that manifests the electron, it’s the EXPECTATION the observer holds.

Through your observations, and, more importantly, your EXPECTATIONS, you are creating the form matter takes.


You are creating your reality every day through your observation and expectation.

This is scientific proof that



This is not “New Age”…this is science. Hard, concrete, proven fact.


If you like this, check out more from Greg Kuhn

The Power of Belief – FTF Films


The act of us observing the Universe

makes the Universe what it is.


The act of the human heart and the human mind

looking at the Universe expecting to see something

will always Create something for us to see.


The act of us looking,

with the expectation that something is there,

is an act of Creation unto itself.

We live our lives based on what we believe about our world.

Where do the beliefs come from?

They come from what other people tell us.

But what if the beliefs that others tell us…are wrong?


The power of belief is

an infinite power,

against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.

Reality and the Mind: Where Science Meets Buddhism


These videos wonderfully explain the parallels found in Buddhist teachings and Quantum Physics discoveries.

The major parallel is this:

Reality is a projection of the mind.

Reality is defined by the mind that is observing it.

Without mind, reality exists only as infinite possibilities.

check out Gerald Penilla’s YouTube channel for even more amazing videos on science, spirituality, and life


The Power of Visualization


“You can change the world. It’s easy. How? In this video, scientist Gregg Braden explains how the Law of Attraction works. That there is a field around us, a collective consciousness, in which we all participate. This collective consciousness creates our reality. It can be influenced by us through our DNA, by using the power of our thoughts and our heart. We can use this law on an individual base but also collectively, to change our world. There’s even a formula (the square root of 1%) of how many participants are needed to achieve a certain effect for a bigger group (for instance peace). This has been proven scientifically, through experiments. For changing the whole world population this would only take 8,000 participants. The power of visualization is a gift from God for mankind to take fate into our own hands, and not having to stand by and watch powerlessly. So, let’s accept this gift gratefully, and use it!!”

“The images of Gregg Braden are taken from his video “The Science of Miracles” which can also be found on YouTube.”

“If you want to participate in future mass visualizations where we use our collective power for causes like cleaning our planet and helping people in need, you can leave your e-mail address at …

-found this at the vzxbglfqwrefngf YouTube channel


Your Personality Creates Your Personal Reality


The Quantum Law: “The environment is an extension of our mind, and when we truly change our mind, our life changes.”

Your personality is made up how you think, how you act, and how you feel.

That personality that you are right now, has created the personal reality that you call “your life”.

You can create a different personal reality by changing your personality: by changing your thoughts, behaviors, habits, feelings, and emotional reactions that you have memorized over time.

The Quantum Law: “The environment is an extension of our mind, and when we truly change our mind, our life changes.”

check out Dr Joe Dispenza


Everything We Call Real Is Made Of Things That Cannot Be Regarded As Real



“we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves.”

Bill Hicks


…found picture and quote on Catalyzing Change Facebook page


Power of Thought – A Quantum Perspective – By Kent Healy



“A scientific approach to explaining the power of thought. We have all heard it before, “Your thoughts create your reality.” Well, new quantum physics studies support this idea. Learn about recent research about how the mind can influence the behavior of subatomic particles and physical matter. If you enjoy the video, please pass it on to friends and family.”


-from Kent Healy Youtube page