Finding the Right You – by T Harv Eker



“Many of you know I embrace Buddhist wisdom as part of spiritual knowledge and growth. These kinds of things are choices we make for ourselves hopefully because we find this knowledge relevant and helpful to our lives. Many spiritual philosophies share similar teachings that could be just as true for people from completely different cultures.

That’s the beauty of the Oneness that most of them point toward, whatever different words one wants to use to describe it. We’re all together, all energy; all one thing.  We just think we’re separate.

If we’re going to strive for spiritual growth, we have to be willing to put concepts into practice in our everyday lives, in all relationships with all people. You can’t separate your “spiritual life” from your “work life.” They’re both your life!

In the same vein, you can’t separate money and happiness. You can try, but you won’t live a very happy life.

How you’re going to make your money has to reflect your spiritual truth as if you were attending a spiritual ceremony.

The physical, material world is simply a printout of what’s going on inside us. To think any different is to fall into the illusion of separation.

So before you find the right job, business, or relationship,

you have to find the right you! It’s about matching what you do with who you are. Then you get the right knowledge and the right way for you to become more prosperous and happier.

I realize there are some people who disagree with spiritual concepts, or maybe are just uncomfortable with the topic. That’s okay. We don’t have to go deep or New Agey with this.

Finding the Right You is as simple as this: JOY. What are those things you do that give you absolute joy?

Joy is a clue from the heart, not to be confused with pleasure. When you evoke the feeling of joy, you are tapping into your higher nature, your truest self, and the source of your full power, your full creativity, your full wisdom. Then you’re generating passion.

Passion creates energy, and energy creates enthusiasm. It’s very contagious. When you are passionate about what you do, it comes through!  Will people want what you’ve got?  Yes and yes! Mostly because of the energy transfer, that’s it!

The most important thing about your business, whatever vehicle is appropriate for you, is you have to frickin’ believe in it to where you would shout it from the top of the roof to everybody, every minute of every day!  If you can’t do that, you don’t believe in what you do enough—and ultimately, you don’t believe in yourself. You’re not being your “Right You”.

When you find something that you really believe in and get it into your subconscious, the obstacles that block you seem more like minor interruptions compared to the passion of operating from your true Self.

Unless you are passionate about what you do, it is very difficult for you to be successful or happy. Right livelihood comes down to finding work that matches who you are.”

T Harv Eker

Reality and the Mind: Where Science Meets Buddhism


These videos wonderfully explain the parallels found in Buddhist teachings and Quantum Physics discoveries.

The major parallel is this:

Reality is a projection of the mind.

Reality is defined by the mind that is observing it.

Without mind, reality exists only as infinite possibilities.

check out Gerald Penilla’s YouTube channel for even more amazing videos on science, spirituality, and life
