The Power of Belief – FTF Films


The act of us observing the Universe

makes the Universe what it is.


The act of the human heart and the human mind

looking at the Universe expecting to see something

will always Create something for us to see.


The act of us looking,

with the expectation that something is there,

is an act of Creation unto itself.

We live our lives based on what we believe about our world.

Where do the beliefs come from?

They come from what other people tell us.

But what if the beliefs that others tell us…are wrong?


The power of belief is

an infinite power,

against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.

The Power of Visualization


“You can change the world. It’s easy. How? In this video, scientist Gregg Braden explains how the Law of Attraction works. That there is a field around us, a collective consciousness, in which we all participate. This collective consciousness creates our reality. It can be influenced by us through our DNA, by using the power of our thoughts and our heart. We can use this law on an individual base but also collectively, to change our world. There’s even a formula (the square root of 1%) of how many participants are needed to achieve a certain effect for a bigger group (for instance peace). This has been proven scientifically, through experiments. For changing the whole world population this would only take 8,000 participants. The power of visualization is a gift from God for mankind to take fate into our own hands, and not having to stand by and watch powerlessly. So, let’s accept this gift gratefully, and use it!!”

“The images of Gregg Braden are taken from his video “The Science of Miracles” which can also be found on YouTube.”

“If you want to participate in future mass visualizations where we use our collective power for causes like cleaning our planet and helping people in need, you can leave your e-mail address at …

-found this at the vzxbglfqwrefngf YouTube channel


Choice Point: Understand Your World


“The Choice Point Movement has at its core three underlying foundation pillars. Here we explore the first of these principles: Understand Your World.
Learn how to take the first step in making a difference in the world with guidance from leading visionaries and change-makers including Sir Richard Branson, Desmond Tutu, Gregg Braden, Jack Canfield, Barbara Marx Hubbard and many more. Visit for more information and to join the Movement!”


Unleash Your Inner Strength



“I’d like to share with you the prime directive for living an amazing and fulfilling life:

Feel right now the way you would feel if…you already had everything that you desired in your life.

Invoke and cultivate inside of yourself the precise feelings which you wouldfeel if… all that you desire or wish for in your life were already a reality, at the present time.

This is the key message that lies at the core of the great spiritual and metaphysical teachings.  It is the insight that popular movies like ‘The Secret,’ and books like ‘Law of Attraction,’ have been attempting recently to convey to the world.  It is the essential lesson taught by New Thought pioneers like Napoleon Hill and Neville Goddard, as well as modern-day authors like Denise Coates, and visionaries like Gregg Braden and Dr Wayne W. Dyer.

In 1944, Neville Goddard encapsulated this principle in the title of his powerful booklet, “Feeling is the Secret.”

Are you ready to begin to learn more about this ancient and powerful principle, as well as learn to integrate and master it in your life?”


…this is some of the text on the Unleash Your Inner Strength homepage. Check it out for some amazing information and resources =)