Choice Point: Understand Your World


“The Choice Point Movement has at its core three underlying foundation pillars. Here we explore the first of these principles: Understand Your World.
Learn how to take the first step in making a difference in the world with guidance from leading visionaries and change-makers including Sir Richard Branson, Desmond Tutu, Gregg Braden, Jack Canfield, Barbara Marx Hubbard and many more. Visit for more information and to join the Movement!”


Law of Attraction Quotes by FinerMinds



The Law of Attraction, simply put, is the universal law that you attract circumstances and experiences that match the vibes of the thoughts you think most (whether you are conscious of those thoughts or not).

This post by FinerMinds has some wonderful quotes on the Law of Attraction by some of its best teachers, and some fantastic feedback from readers in the comments.

The great thing about quotes is they can be used as a mantra. You can use quotes to affirm and declare what you prefer to believe, and thus create a self-fulfilling prophecy in your life experiences.
