Success Is Simple



“Bunker Hunt, the Texas oil billionaire, was asked once if he had any one piece of advice he could give people on how to succeed. He said that success is simple. First, you decide what you want specifically; and second, you decide you’re willing to pay the price to make it happen – and then pay that price. If you don’t take that second step, you’ll never have what you want in the long term.”

Anthony Robbins

3 Keys to remember:

  1. Decide what you want SPECIFICALLY.
  2. DECIDE you’re …
  3. WILLING to pay the price.

Your Life is the Ultimate Movie


The Oscars Academy Awards Movie Film

“With the Oscars right around the corner and plenty of advertisements for all the other award shows, it is easy to see that we love movies.  Our culture totally embraces the cinema.  There is something about seeing great characters and wonderful stories come to life that we just can’t get enough of.  It touches our spirit.  It reflects back to us our own potential.    Have you ever considered that your life is the ultimate movie?  You are the writer, producer, director, and star of your own film?  Each day is another scene in your own very special movie, and you get to decide whether it is going to be insignificant or epic.  When you begin to treat your life as if it were a great picture, you begin to get more out of yourself.   You hold yourself to higher standards.  You give yourself more love.  So start treating yourself like the movie star you are and make today a great scene in your own personal masterpiece.”

“The Genie” Kabral Sharpe

Soul Communication -(Kryon)


New Kryon channeling from this weekend! (Feb 22-23, 2014)

Part 1:

  • Non-linear Communication (Soul communication)
  • Channeling
  • Intuitive Thought
  • Animal Whisperers
  • Pineal Communication with a Crystalline Grid
  • Communicating with Spirit

Part 2:

  • Laws of Spirituality
  • Allowing Soul Communication
  • Filters of Belief and Tradition


Who is Kryon?

Kryon is a “loving angelic entity” channeled by Lee Carroll Ph. D.

“Lee is recognized worldwide as the original channel for Kryon, and has been honored over the years by seven United Nations invitations to channel Kryon at the UN building in New York city. The Kryon seminars are presented all over the Americas, western Europe, Israel, and now Russia, Bulgaria, Poland and the Baltic states.”


What is the Global Awakening? What is the Shift?


Global Awakening Shift Zelda Link

The Global Awakening, also known as the Shift, is what the 2012 Mayan Calendar was referring to. It is actually the end of one cycle, and the beginning of a new cycle. The transition from one cycle to the new one is the Shift, or Awakening, we are experiencing. The other day, Waking Times released a fantastic article describing the Shift. Here are some of my favorite excerpts:

  • “A growing number of individuals in recent years have begun a conscious process of awakening. This has been significant in beginning to shift the consciousness of the planet; yet, still these numbers have been relatively small, considering the billions of people now alive on the earth.
  • They’re saying that for the first time ever on the earth, something monumental is shifting in the human experience as a whole: a shift of consciousness toward greater spiritual awakening.

    Indeed, some are saying a new species of human being is emerging, and a new earth is being born.

  • The Outer Shift

    Read alternative and international news sources and you can see clearly, for example, that unprecedented disclosure of corruption, greed and exploitation is occurring within a wide range of institutions in society.

    In the last year, literally hundreds of top officials in financial institutions and governments the world over have been resigning, mysteriously disappearing, getting fired, being fined or taken to court.

    Meanwhile, the internet is empowering and uniting people across the globe like never before in history. Millions are experiencing a sense of oneness—and the power of this unification.

    There’s a new kind of joy and sense of jubilant freedom that people around the world are beginning to express.

    At the same time, communities everywhere are creating positive changes in their local areas, over-turning old corrupt systems that no longer work. Women across the world are asserting their rights like never before in history. And science is discovering cheap, clean energy, as well as ways to feed everyone in the world and create drinking water from the ocean.

  • The “In-Between Times”

    It’s clear that old societal structures and paradigms based on greed, competition and patriarchal ideals are at long last collapsing—while new structures and paradigms based on justice, love and equality are arising in their place.

    But what we’re experiencing at this point is what has been called the “In-Between Times”—times of chaos, confusion and rapid, intense changes—while one age dies and another is born.

    These tumultuous times will likely continue for a while, as the new positive energies interact with the old energies on their way out. But eventually a new earth will inevitably emerge out of the chaos. What an exciting time to be alive!

  • The Inner Shift

    The same intense shifts happening in the world are also showing up in many of our personal lives. At times, we’re being shaken to our core, as we experience old negative patterns arising with a vengeance, finally demanding resolution.

    Loss assails us on many levels: in our relationships, our home life, our work. Old identities are disintegrating, and once-comfortable situations are becoming unbearable. We’re stepping into unknown territory where nothing is predictable or certain.

    It’s disorienting and at times downright scary. And yet, along with all this confusion and loss, many of us are also experiencing profound spiritual awakenings like never before. Deep joy arises within us at the strangest times. Synchronicity abounds in our lives. An exquisite and all-embracing love is blossoming in our hearts for all of life.

    At times, profound peace steals over us for no apparent reason. We feel the presence of a magnificent divine Self arising within us, gently nudging the ego aside. We know we’re witnessing something new and ever so precious being born within us.”



Source: Waking Times

The Driver, the Soul, Never Changes. Only the Car.


Only Love is Real Brian WeissOur bodies and our souls are like cars and their drivers. Always remember that you are the driver, not the car. Don’t identify with the vehicle. The emphasis these days on prolonging the duration of our lives, on living to one hundred years of age or more, is madness. It’s like keeping your old Ford going past 200,000 miles, past 300,000. The body of the car is rusting out, the transmission has been rebuilt five times, things are falling off the engine, and yet you refuse to turn it in. Meanwhile there is a brand new Corvette waiting for you right around the corner. All you have to do is gently step out of the old Ford and slide into the beautiful Corvette. The driver, the soul, never changes. Only the car.

Brian Weiss, M.D.

Study Suggests DNA Expression Changes with Meditation


“With evidence growing that meditation can have beneficial health effects, scientists have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body.

A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of mindfulness meditation.

The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.

“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that shows rapid alterations in gene expression within subjects associated with mindfulness meditation practice,” says study author Richard J. Davidson, founder of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds and the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

…Mindfulness-based trainings have shown beneficial effects on inflammatory disorders in prior clinical studies and are endorsed by the American Heart Association as a preventative intervention. The new results provide a possible biological mechanism for therapeutic effects.

…Perhaps surprisingly, the researchers say, there was no difference in the tested genes between the two groups of people at the start of the study. The observed effects were seen only in the meditators following mindfulness practice. In addition, several other DNA-modifying genes showed no differences between groups, suggesting that the mindfulness practice specifically affected certain regulatory pathways.

However, it is important to note that the study was not designed to distinguish any effects of long-term meditation training from those of a single day of practice. Instead, the key result is that meditators experienced genetic changes following mindfulness practice that were not seen in the non-meditating group after other quiet activities — an outcome providing proof of principle that mindfulness practice can lead to epigenetic alterations of the genome.

…”Our genes are quite dynamic in their expression and these results suggest that the calmness of our mind can actually have a potential influence on their expression,” Davidson says.”



University of Wisconsin

Spirit Science and Metaphysics

Formula for Acting on Your Highest Excitement


At any moment, whatever you are capable of acting on, act on the option that gives you the highest excitement.

Keep doing that, every moment that you can, to the best of your ability.

Act on your highest excitement at any moment you can, with ZERO attachment and expectation to a specific outcome.


Your life will become an ecstatic explosion of synchronicity, and you will always expand and expand and expand into more joy, and more and more opportunities will present themselves to you for more joy.

-from Bashar

Being Mirrors for Each Other


Reflections Soul Mirror

You are a reflection to individuals that you interact with. They see in you, and you see in them, portions of the ideas you wish to explore about yourself. You are all mirrors for each other, in that way, for different reasons. This does not mean that if you see someone exhibiting the idea of a negative trait, it does not mean you are doing that negative trait, but that you wish to explore the idea of your relationship to that trait. Perhaps, if only to be of assistance, to reflect back to them that they do not have to choose that negative trait for themselves, because they see within you the affirmation of a positive one.

The idea is that any individual that interacts with you is drawn to you, and you are drawn to them, because of what you have to offer to each other. Individuals who do not wish to partake of what you have to offer will never meet you – you will never meet them.

You are also, perhaps, reflecting beliefs, emotions and thoughts that are the three cornered prism of the personality, artificial construct, that may be reflecting to them the ideas that they have chosen to believe, feel and think about. So that they can decide whether they prefer other ways to believe, feel and think. It is, in this way, a total reflection. Depending upon whatever portion of that reflection the individual wishes to perceive coming from the mirror that you are; all of it is there for anyone to see. Everyone is selective, according to what portion of the reflection they want to see. But it is always all there in the reflection. Each and every one of you is completely holographic and contain the totality of all information in the universe that you are reflecting to anyone. But your sensory apparatus, as you have constructed it within your physical reality, is selective, and you will see only what you want to see.

-an excerpt from a Bashar channeling

Law of Attraction is Matching You Up -(Abraham)


You are vibrationally choosing your points of attraction.

And Law of Attraction is matching you up with experiences, and people, and thoughts, and images that are in the same vibrational frequency.

The frequencies have to match up.

You can not be on one frequency, and receive something from another frequency.

You can be aware of your frequency, and you can do something about it.

Knowledge Is Power – When You Use It Constructively



Closely allied to intelligence excusitis is some incorrect thinking about knowledge. We often hear that knowledge is power. But this statement is only a half-truth. Knowledge is only potential power. Knowledge is power only when put to use and then only when the use made of it is constructive.

The story is told that the great scientist Einstein was once asked how many feet are in a mile. Einstein’s reply was “I don’t know. Why should I fill my brain with facts I can find in two minutes in any standard reference book?”

Einstein taught us a big lesson. He felt it was more important to use your mind to think than to use it as a warehouse for facts.

One time Henry Ford was involved in a libel suit with the Chicago Tribune. The Tribune had called Ford an ignoramus, and Ford said, in effect, “Prove it.”

The Tribune asked him scores of simple questions such as “Who was Benedict Arnold?” “When was the Revolutionary War fought?” and others, most of which Ford, who had little formal education, could not answer.

Finally he became quite exasperated and said, “I don’t know the answers to those questions, but I could find a man in five minutes who does.”

Henry Ford was never interested in miscellaneous information. He knew what every major executive knows: that the ability to know how to get information is more important than using the mind as a garage for facts.

-an excerpt from The Magic of Thinking Big

Happy New Year…….welcome to the Year of Wisdom!



Wishing everyone happiness, success, good health and joyful experiencing this New Year!
A new year usually ushers in a small cycle in our lives! A time to reflect on the ups and downs of the past year and by extension our lives in general! A time to recommit to our virtues or, make some corrective adjustments through resolutions and vows! Above all, a time to give thanks to the Almighty for His Immeasurable Love and Mercies!
Like every year in this generation, 2013 had its severe extremes! One day it is  world-wide euphoria, the next day, it is intense anguish inflicted either by human depravity or, natural catastrophe! Can we forget in a hurry the upsurge in gang rapes/murders or, the devastation and human tragedy left behind by typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines?
Enter 2014, the year that swings in the number 7! Simple calculation: 2+0+1+4= 7!
Knowing ones…

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