2014 Transition: The 3 Paths of Humans



A channeling from The Hathors,

with the Andromedan Overseers of the Galactic Council:


“You who have chosen to be on Gaia now – you who have chosen to be on this planet at this time – step every step with conscious awareness, for you have come to heal your troubled dimension. You are a work force of Light bearers, in service to the Divine plan for ascension on Gaia – and yet you differ in your methods and style of operation. For the moment we will say that there are 3 primary paths or modes of operation within your ranks. This is a simplification, but it serves a purpose in these times.

The first path is that of the Warrior of Light. You who walk this path shine your Light openly for all to see, walking your talk as awakened ones, slicing through the veils of illusion that have blinded humans for many years now. You are the teachers, the leaders, the initiators who bring the Light tribe together. Your courage and determination will yield fruits more easily in this year of 2014 which dawns – more immediately than ever, for you move towards the time of instant manifestation.

Those of you Pleiadian Goddesses incarnated into your civilisations now, who weave your magic way on the Earth plane, you are the Magic Weavers. You demonstrate lightness, joy, frivolity – and nevertheless you produce results just as powerful, for this is your way of spreading and holding Light. There are of course Magic Weavers from star systems other than the Pleiades, but always your signature style is to affect change through play and creativity. You raise vibration through music, art and channelling all forms of creativity; you heal others through bringing laughter and fun, and many of you work with the Indigo and Crystal children, assisting in their blossoming.

And those of you who walk the middle path, neither Warriors nor Magic weavers, you are the Frequency Keepers – ones who hold a steady vibration. You hold the balance point, the heart chakra frequency of your universe constant, as those in Samadhi have done before you. You transmit Christ Conscious vibration and higher dimensional frequency into your world of 3-D. This way seems more passive but is the most difficult of all to achieve, for you ones must remain constant in your own frequency in every moment possible in order to seed your star codes and higher dimensional frequencies into your planet’s vibration.

Know that you are in one of these 3 categories whether you recognise it or not. Sometimes you have more than one aspect within you, but at any stage of your life your primary purpose will reflect one of the 3 most strongly. It is sometimes appropriate to shift from one path to another in different phases of your life – from a Warrior of Light into a Frequency Keeper, for instance, as one path comes to fruition and is completed. Our channel Solara An-Ra has transited from the Warrior phase into a Magic Weaver over the past some years, as her time of life has dictated. She is a frequency keeper only in those moments when she is transmitting our energy. And so you see it is possible to be all three according to the context and time – but we repeat that there is always a predominance of one path at any stage of life. Know that there is no predetermined order where one path follows another – and there is also no path which is higher or better than another. The paths are yours according to both choice and natural disposition or personality. There are many among you in whom one path will be prevalent for your entire life.

We give you this information so that you may recognise that your way is unique and perfect. You may storm the world with your ideas, the sword of truth and light glimmering in you raised arm, or you may sit quietly in meditation, the smile of the Buddha radiating from your lips. You may play with the tree beings, dancing in the forest, encouraging others to see the plant spirits and devas, or you may gather the tribe of Gaia for a ceremony or conference where other leaders of the Light transmit their wisdom.

Intend that you follow your chosen path with joy and use your gifts – the very gifts that you came to seed on this planet! Those of you who are magic weavers accept your path with a lightness which is part of your essence and your very matrix! Those of you who are Warriors, accept your mission with a courage that is naturally yours! And those of you who are keepers of vibration, holding the 5th dimensional frequency of unconditional love, constantly emitting this vibration to your planet’s many layers, accept your missions with the equanimity that is natural to you.

You are between times, between realities, and you feel yourselves shift between these now. Some of you are longing to be in your place of origin in the stars – you are seeking to escape the confines of your physicality and what feels like burdensome responsibility on Earth. Remember that you are here with purpose. You are here with purpose! Accept your purpose and responsibility with joy, and your life will therefore reflect the unfolding of one of the 3 primary paths of humans in the New Age. Recognise the energy of the Warrior, the Magic Weaver or the Frequency Keeper within you now, and dance the dance you came here to dance. And so it is.

We transmit our blessings and love in this dawning of 2014. Namaste.”

Source: Solara



Currently I am going through the Warrior of Light phase.

Which phase are you going through?

Is your current life reflecting the path of the Warrior of Light, the Magic Weaver, or the Frequency Keeper?


Check out this week’s podcast:

Emotions, Confidence, and Success


Click here to listen.

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Soul Communication -(Kryon)


New Kryon channeling from this weekend! (Feb 22-23, 2014)

Part 1:

  • Non-linear Communication (Soul communication)
  • Channeling
  • Intuitive Thought
  • Animal Whisperers
  • Pineal Communication with a Crystalline Grid
  • Communicating with Spirit

Part 2:

  • Laws of Spirituality
  • Allowing Soul Communication
  • Filters of Belief and Tradition


Who is Kryon?

Kryon is a “loving angelic entity” channeled by Lee Carroll Ph. D.

“Lee is recognized worldwide as the original channel for Kryon, and has been honored over the years by seven United Nations invitations to channel Kryon at the UN building in New York city. The Kryon seminars are presented all over the Americas, western Europe, Israel, and now Russia, Bulgaria, Poland and the Baltic states.”


What is the Global Awakening? What is the Shift?


Global Awakening Shift Zelda Link

The Global Awakening, also known as the Shift, is what the 2012 Mayan Calendar was referring to. It is actually the end of one cycle, and the beginning of a new cycle. The transition from one cycle to the new one is the Shift, or Awakening, we are experiencing. The other day, Waking Times released a fantastic article describing the Shift. Here are some of my favorite excerpts:

  • “A growing number of individuals in recent years have begun a conscious process of awakening. This has been significant in beginning to shift the consciousness of the planet; yet, still these numbers have been relatively small, considering the billions of people now alive on the earth.
  • They’re saying that for the first time ever on the earth, something monumental is shifting in the human experience as a whole: a shift of consciousness toward greater spiritual awakening.

    Indeed, some are saying a new species of human being is emerging, and a new earth is being born.

  • The Outer Shift

    Read alternative and international news sources and you can see clearly, for example, that unprecedented disclosure of corruption, greed and exploitation is occurring within a wide range of institutions in society.

    In the last year, literally hundreds of top officials in financial institutions and governments the world over have been resigning, mysteriously disappearing, getting fired, being fined or taken to court.

    Meanwhile, the internet is empowering and uniting people across the globe like never before in history. Millions are experiencing a sense of oneness—and the power of this unification.

    There’s a new kind of joy and sense of jubilant freedom that people around the world are beginning to express.

    At the same time, communities everywhere are creating positive changes in their local areas, over-turning old corrupt systems that no longer work. Women across the world are asserting their rights like never before in history. And science is discovering cheap, clean energy, as well as ways to feed everyone in the world and create drinking water from the ocean.

  • The “In-Between Times”

    It’s clear that old societal structures and paradigms based on greed, competition and patriarchal ideals are at long last collapsing—while new structures and paradigms based on justice, love and equality are arising in their place.

    But what we’re experiencing at this point is what has been called the “In-Between Times”—times of chaos, confusion and rapid, intense changes—while one age dies and another is born.

    These tumultuous times will likely continue for a while, as the new positive energies interact with the old energies on their way out. But eventually a new earth will inevitably emerge out of the chaos. What an exciting time to be alive!

  • The Inner Shift

    The same intense shifts happening in the world are also showing up in many of our personal lives. At times, we’re being shaken to our core, as we experience old negative patterns arising with a vengeance, finally demanding resolution.

    Loss assails us on many levels: in our relationships, our home life, our work. Old identities are disintegrating, and once-comfortable situations are becoming unbearable. We’re stepping into unknown territory where nothing is predictable or certain.

    It’s disorienting and at times downright scary. And yet, along with all this confusion and loss, many of us are also experiencing profound spiritual awakenings like never before. Deep joy arises within us at the strangest times. Synchronicity abounds in our lives. An exquisite and all-embracing love is blossoming in our hearts for all of life.

    At times, profound peace steals over us for no apparent reason. We feel the presence of a magnificent divine Self arising within us, gently nudging the ego aside. We know we’re witnessing something new and ever so precious being born within us.”



Source: Waking Times

Chinese New Year – Year of the Wood Horse


Wood Horse Chinese New Year Astrology 2014

The new Moon on January 30 at 11:20 pm PST (but listed as January 31 in many calendars) begins the year of the Wood Horse. Chinese New Year is a spring festival that begins on the second new Moon after Winter Solstice, with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius.

The Wood Horse year is a time of fast victories, unexpected adventure, and surprising romance. It is an excellent year for travel, and the more far away and off the beaten path the better. Energy is high and production is rewarded. Decisive action, not procrastination, brings victory. But you have to act fast in a Horse year. If you are not 100% secure about a decision, then don’t do it. Events move so quickly in a Horse year that you don’t want to gallop off in the wrong direction.


In Chinese astrology, Horse year is considered a fortunate year that brings luck and good things. Magical Horse has supernatural powers, is heroic, strong, and can even fly! A white celestial cloud Horse is sacred to the Chinese Goddess Kwan Yin. Her white Horse flies through the heavens, bringing peace and blessings. Horse is a hero in China because important battles were won due to the power and strength of the Horse.


Who should be a player and take big risks this year? If you just do what you want like a Horse, you could end up broke at the end of this Horse year! The impulsive way of doing things in a Horse year is not the best year for everyone. For example, the spontaneous energy of Horse year brings challenges to the thoughtful Rat who is Horse’s opposite.

Keep in mind this year that Horse energy is free spirited, wild, willful, and independent. Horse has a refined instinct that acts fast, on the spot, unlike Horse’s opposite the Rat who thinks and plans before acting. The time for pondering and planning was 2013 Snake year. Horse year is time to act fast, buy that home, launch that business, travel the world, make a big purchase, get a promotion at work, have a breakthrough – take a leap and fly. If it’s right, then there’s nothing to think about. Just follow instincts. Even if you miss the mark, you’ll have all of Wood Sheep year 2015 to get cozy and enjoy life’s comforts in all their artistic forms.


Casual and outdoorsy Horse year is about freedom, returning to nature, and enjoying life and life’s adventures. You won’t always want to focus on work because it’s easy to be distracted by fun, good times, and parties in sexy Horse year. Because Horse can be impulsive, act now and think later, avoid the mistakes of overspending, enabling others, and denying when there is a problem. Overspending is easy in a Horse year because if you feel you deserve something or want a reward, the impulse to buy is strong. Horses often buy what they feel they deserve without realizing how their purchases effect their long-term planning because Horse rarely plans for the future.

Also in Horse year, it’s easy to make a snap decision, especially business decisions that are not planned but “just feel right.” Denial that there is a problem is another Horse trait. It’s easier to move on to the next adventure than face reality or clean up a mess. So don’t ignore details this year while being an optimist that things will all just work out on their own.

Horse doesn’t care about money and lives large, so in Horse year you might be tempted to overspend on entertainment, going out, fun festivities – anything to keep up with the Horse good times and spirit of live today. Horse year ends in triumph or tragedy, and more businesses will fail than succeed. So learn from what you see around you. You don’t have to act, but you do have to know. In the year of the Horse, you can let others lead the way then follow in the footsteps of their success – but you’ll have to act fast.  The Horse, Tiger, Dog, or Sheep benefit the most from Horse’s strong and spirited actions.

-found this awesome info at SusanLevitt.com

Law of Attraction is Matching You Up -(Abraham)


You are vibrationally choosing your points of attraction.

And Law of Attraction is matching you up with experiences, and people, and thoughts, and images that are in the same vibrational frequency.

The frequencies have to match up.

You can not be on one frequency, and receive something from another frequency.

You can be aware of your frequency, and you can do something about it.

The Law of Attraction Explained by Quantum Physics: Part 1


You reap what you sow.

What we continually think about will manifest in our lives.

You get what you give.

Treat others, as you would have them treat you.

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.


Many people are frustrated that they can not get the Law of Attraction to work how they want it to.

The Law of Attraction is not mystical or esoteric.

Thanks to the modern science of Quantum Physics, we now understand just how our material world is created.

Quantum Physics shows us that

you CREATE your material world.

One of the key principles of Quantum Physics is:

the observer’s observation and expectations

become, literally, a part of what is being observed.

It can also be said that the observer and the observed are two different perspectives of the same thing.


If you like this, check out more from Greg Kuhn

God’s Will


Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Like energy attracts.

What do you think being joyful always will attract?

What do you think continuous prayer will attract?

What do you think giving thanks in all circumstances will attract?

Try it out for yourself, see what happens 😉




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Twitter: @AlphaAlchemy

Instagram: @AlphaAlchemy

The Science of Prosperity – Dr. Michael Beckwith


The Law of Attraction simply means that

the Universe bends itself around

your predominant thought pattern


You literally attract to yourself what you’re holding in mind

whether you believe it or not


Choice is a function of awareness.

You can grow in having a real choice for your destiny.


There is a science to prosperity.

There is a science to success.

-Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith