Unleash Your Inner Strength



“I’d like to share with you the prime directive for living an amazing and fulfilling life:

Feel right now the way you would feel if…you already had everything that you desired in your life.

Invoke and cultivate inside of yourself the precise feelings which you wouldfeel if… all that you desire or wish for in your life were already a reality, at the present time.

This is the key message that lies at the core of the great spiritual and metaphysical teachings.  It is the insight that popular movies like ‘The Secret,’ and books like ‘Law of Attraction,’ have been attempting recently to convey to the world.  It is the essential lesson taught by New Thought pioneers like Napoleon Hill and Neville Goddard, as well as modern-day authors like Denise Coates, and visionaries like Gregg Braden and Dr Wayne W. Dyer.

In 1944, Neville Goddard encapsulated this principle in the title of his powerful booklet, “Feeling is the Secret.”

Are you ready to begin to learn more about this ancient and powerful principle, as well as learn to integrate and master it in your life?”


…this is some of the text on the Unleash Your Inner Strength homepage. Check it out for some amazing information and resources =)

the Full BLUE Moon Friday August 31, 2012


Use the energy of the Blue Moon to enhance your manifestations.

On Friday, August 31, 2012 the Full Moon at 6:38 am Pacific time will be a Blue Moon, in the sign of Pisces.

A “Blue Moon” is the second Full Moon within a 30 day period. The first Full Moon of the period was August 1st. Blue Moon’s are very energetic and active.

This particular Blue Moon will increase people’s individual awareness on the issues we have been individually facing both in the last month, and since Feb 21 (the last New Moon in Pisces)…especially the emotions and beliefs that hold us back from having what we want.

The Blue Moon will influence a balancing of emotions with practicality. People will be setting a new pace and routine in their physical realities. It’s no coincidence school is starting. The unique planetary alignments vibrate cosmic support in using our logic, feelings, and practicality to evolve our inner selves and make positive changes in our relationships and work-matters.

The alignments of Pluto and Mars influence our capacity to find the resources, power, drive, and energy within to manifest our dreams into reality.

With increased emotion and practicality, this is a perfect time to find ways to improve all aspects of your life…especially relationships, finance/career, and health.

The Law of Attraction will respond to your thoughts, whether they be positive or negative, and whether or not you are consciously aware of it. So instead of thinking about what you DON’T want, think instead about what you DO want.

One of the most common blocks or obstacles to manifestation is lacking the belief that you CAN and DESERVE to manifest what you want.

This Blue Moon is the perfect time to identify how your beliefs and emotions hold you back from having what you want, and to choose to release them for a better, happier life.

Here’s a very basic and powerful releasing technique:

1) Identify your limiting and unsupportive beliefs. How? State what you want, and listen to the voice in your head that says “I can’t because…”. The words you hear after “I can’t because…” are your limiting and unsupportive beliefs.

2) Dig deeper on that limiting and unsupportive belief. Where did it come from? What memories come up when you acknowledge that belief? How does your body feel when you think of that belief?

3)Write down the limiting belief, or say it out loud, or both. Choose a POSITIVE belief to replace the unsupportive belief. The positive belief must be worded positively, and should support the faith in yourself for manifesting what you want. For example, instead of saying “I don’t want to be sick”, say “I want to be healthy and energetic.” See the difference?

4) Re-live the memories and feelings of the unsupportive belief, and choose to let them go. Then focus on your positive preferred belief. 

5)If your unsupportive belief comes up again, remember that you don’t want it, and re-affirm the supportive belief you prefer.

Sometimes this clearing won’t happen immediately. If that’s the case, do it again. And again until it’s gone. The best time to do this is when you wake up, right before you go to sleep, and any time you are in the alpha mind level.


Picture from:


Info sources:

Alizon Psycic – Full Moon 31 August 2012

Aquarius Channelings – Pisces Full Moon Release the Past