The Power of Thoughts: Language


Thoughts become things and create your reality.

You think to yourself and speak to others in a unique language.

Mind your language, because your body believes everything you say.

-from the Inspiration Show, episode 18: the Power of Thought

Watch The Inspiration Show on the Power of Thoughts:


and check out the Mind Movies homepage for some awesome visualizations =)

Saturn Moves into Scorpio Today October 5, 2012



Saturn moves into Scorpio  today October 5, 2012 until December 2015



-Moving into deeper meaning with the structures in our lives and what we’re building and how we relate to each other.


-Saturn wants us to get down to business…and to make deep emotional connections and bonds with others AND ourselves.


-Time to decide what we want to commit to, what we want to channel our passion into.


-Time to cut out the things in life that are no longer working for us, that are no longer in alignment with our core selves. (They can be cut consciously or unconsciously)


We have to be honest with ourselves.


What would it take for me to fulfill my potential?

How can I be more whole and complete?

How can I empower myself more fully?

How can I empower others?

What is it I am most afraid of doing and experiencing?


Check out her website =)

Turn Challenges into Encouragements


The Mara Mind by Victoria Hope Mclellan =)

Learn, grow, raise your vibration

Allow “challenges” in life to become Encouragements

Here is the full Youtube video description:

“In Sanskrit, Mara can be translated to the words “Murder” or “to kill”.
Such words could be translated to be understood as “to extinguish”.
To put out the Light which you ARE. The extinguishing is a grand illusion as your light is Eternal, unborn and undying.
Mara is the “dimmer” aspect of source consciousness.
We grow from understanding and incorporating the light and the dark, purity and density.
When seen from the highest vibration, there is no wrong that could ever be done to anyone.
In understanding, there will be not even the illusion of a wrong thing done at all.
Through Enlightenment and understanding, wars both internal and external (to any degree) could be made obsolete.

Eternal Light to you!

Contact me at:”

Check out the YouTube channel 

and Spirit Science  =)

Mara picture from this website

Full Moon in Aries Saturday September 29, 2012 – Luck, Chance, and Destiny



What self-limiting patterns/beliefs do you need to release?

Does your inner critic hold you back from taking chances?

What needs to change for you to experience greater freedom and Joy?


It is far riskier to stand still. It is smarter and wiser to move ahead now. =)

Fall Equinox Message


From the Manuscript of Survival 199…happy Autumn Equinox everybody =)

the time to harvest your bounty is upon you, and we think you will find the harvest to be beyond even your wildest expectations

•September 22, 2012 •

“Today is indeed an important day, as you are once again in the middle of a yearly focal point that will enhance everything. So keep your focus clear dear ones, as it will only be too easy to be overwhelmed by those few dark spots still remaining in your atmosphere.

Let us explain. As we heave discussed earlier, the amount of light on your planet has multiplied manyfold throughout this last period, and as such, those remnants of darkness still clinging to the surface of our planet will become even more visible. Moreover, in their panic, they will literally resort to any means they have at their disposal trying to convince you that they are much more powerful than they really are. Know that this is only a feeble show of strength, as they have almost no strength left to make their voices heard. But again, make no mistake, they will waste no effort in trying. So be prepared for bouts of outright nasty behaviour erupting in the most unexpected corners, but again, know that this is only a sure sign of desperation as they muster their forces for one last show of their ”might”.

So use this day wisely, as it is indeed a day of hope and joy for all of those already standing in the light, safely out of reach from those dark shadows so desperately trying to encroach back on the territory they have already lost control over. You are standing there as beacons yourselves, and today, your light will become even stronger as you all focus it on the time ahead. Because you see the future already in the corners of your eyes, and you will feel it approaching as the hours goes by. For now, the time will seem to stop for the old system, but for you, everything will seem to speed up as the world once again tilts on its axis and the forces of freedom accelerate. You are all racing ahead, and no matter how fast the darkness will seem to fall now that the days will become shorter on one half of the planet, know that the light is increasing even more.

So give yourselves the time and space to sit down and connect with this ever growing light today. And give thanks for all that you have accomplished so far this year. You planted your seeds a long time ago, and you have nurtured them well. Now the time to harvest your bounty is upon you, and we think you will find the harvest to be beyond even your wildest expectations.”

Law of Attraction 101 by Jessica Harlow


5 things you need to know to understand the Law of Attraction:

1) Everything is Energy

-energy can be positive, negative, or neutral….these are VIBES, or the energy that people give off

2) Like Attracts Like

-good attracts good, bad attracts bad. The vibes that are given attract similar energy

3) Ask and You Shall Receive

-make a clear decision on what you want

4) Build UP Your Energy

-get rid of limiting beliefs, the beliefs that say you can’t have what you want. Changing your beliefs will give you different attitudes and thus different actions to get those things you want

5) DO Something

-take action

…awesome video from Jessica Harlow =)

How to Manifest Exactly What You Want – the Silva Method


How do you manifest exactly what you want, the Silva Method Way?

-Get into the Alpha Level

-Visualize and imagine ALREADY HAVING what you want

-Have the burning DESIRE to keep visualizing, imagining, and ACTING towards what you want…empire’s don’t build overnight, and neither do amazing manifestations. You will need to persist

-BELIEVE you can have it…get rid of limiting beliefs that you CAN’T

-EXPECT to receive it…this can be hard, but if you have a burning DESIRE, it will fuel your ability to persist until you get it


Much more detail on the original article, plus a FREE Silva Method Starter Kit

Click HERE for the original article =)


More on The New Moon In Virgo – by Astrolosophy


Awesome video on the the New Moon in Virgo September 15, 2012



check out Astrolosophy

What is Alchemy?



There are multiple specific definitions for the word alchemy, all of which having to do with the deliberate TRANSFORMING of something into something better



any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value



Check out the YouTube channel