Alchemy and Self-Improvement


Alchemy Teaches us that to return to our True perfection we need not “improve” anything. We simply need to eliminate our accumulated impurities.


“Ask the average person to give a definition of Alchemy and they will tell you that “Alchemy is the turning of lead into Gold”. In addition, they will probably also add laughter and ridicule to their answer.There is a great amount of Ancient Wisdom hidden in the many cliches and metaphors that have been handed down through the generations, and “turning lead into Gold” is one such metaphor. To turn lead into Gold. Many have tried and nearly that same many have failed, save perhaps one. If any one person did succeed at turning lead into Gold it would have been Nicholas Flamel. Nicholas Flamel was a real person and is the same Nicholas Flamel referred to in “Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone”.

But what is this Alchemy? This turning of lead into Gold?
Alchemy simply states that when you remove all that is impure, what remains is pure. It is the turning of lead into gold on a Spiritual level; the greatest Self-Help Secret of The Ages.

Many very good books have been written on how to “improve” ourselves; how to become a “better” person. However, these books leave us feeling that we must “improve” something in order to become “better”.

This concept sends us on endless, often futile, pursuits of “perfection”. We may try many artificial methods to “improve” ourselves only to find that none of these methods work for us. We can end up frustrated and wonder what it was that we are doing “wrong”.

Alchemy Teaches a much Simpler method. We must first realize, and accept, that we are all born perfect and pure. However, along the Path of life we accumulate many impurities such as vulgar Language, negative Thoughts, poor self-esteem, wrong friends and associates, and the need to live up to the expectations of others, just to name a few.

Alchemy Teaches us that to return to our True perfection we need not “improve” anything. We simply need to eliminate our accumulated impurities.

And the really wonderful thing about this Alchemical process is that we do not need to remove all of our impurities at once. By removing one impurity at a time we become more and more pure. When all of our impurities are eliminated we will once again
experience our True Perfection. At that Time we will actually be able to turn lead into Gold on the material plane. However, that will no longer be important to us.”

© copyright Joseph Panek 2008
-found this amazing article on A Seeker’s Thoughts

What is Alchemy?



There are multiple specific definitions for the word alchemy, all of which having to do with the deliberate TRANSFORMING of something into something better



any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value



Check out the YouTube channel

Break the old habit



We can all relate, if we reflect on past experiences in our life that there is thread of recurrence that weaves our past together. Humans are creatures of habit by nature, and if the law of attraction teaches us something, it’s that if we do the same things we get the same results. Our fluid stream of consciousness continually brings thoughts into our minds, and we often don’t pay attention to their origins. An easy explanation for this is that we only use our conscious mind at most, half the time. Sure we can all read a motivational quote, or a passage from a self help book, and feel positive and rejuvenated for all of ten minutes, but the second we resume our daily lives and routines all that goes out the window. That’s because we’ve had years of programming from our early infant days as a child, to the people we are now. The things we’ve observed, the patterns, the behaviors, and past experiences we’ve got through have stuck with us, and affect and shape the way we perceive and live our lives. So now, what can we do to break this behavior and change our lives for the better? Consciously control and have complete dominion over your thoughts. If a negative belief, or thought or idea comes to your mind, simply acknowledge it as such, and remove it. These ideas do not serve you. Negative thoughts, negative energy, negative people, do nothing but slow down progress and dim your light.

So, for the next 21 days, maintain constant dominion over your thoughts. Only entertain energies and thoughts and things that serve a purpose in your life. Daydream about what you want. Imagine what it will feel like, when you manifest what you’ve been desiring for so long. What clothes will you be wearing, how will the sun feel on your skin, how sweet will the air feels as you inhale. Manifest abundance, love, and happiness. If you think it will be, than so it shall. Bring into being your dreams, hopes, and desires to this dense third dimension, and we wish you well in your endeavors.

Love and light,





As seen on the latest episode of Spirit Science, Spirit Science 18 – The Four Elements ( Adrian Salamandre creates a beautiful rendition of Evolution. A very thought provoking piece, depicting the origins with the manifestion of the four elements which gave birth to water, which subsequently gave birth to life.

A wonderful aspect to Art is that beauty resides in the eye of the beholder, and also the many different connotations and perspectives that one piece of art can give. What are your thoughts on the piece? The original artists’ explanation can be read here

Adrian Salamandre’s Deviant art link

Spirit Science:

Love and Light